Tag Archives: finish line

Well…that was steep hill…

This week has been a week of highs and lows. The main high was completing another challenge (Cani-cross 2km with Millie). It was located at Queen Elizabeth Country Park just off the A3. There was a surprisingly steep hill at the start for the first kilometre, and then it was a nice down-hill trot to the finish line. At one point going up the hill I thought I was going to vomit. Luckily, one of the dogs needed a ‘toilet’ break and I was able to catch my breath back. It was good fun, and a great opportunity for Millie to have some more socialisation experience with other dogs. I’m so pleased to find that I am actually able to run a race and that my hip appears to be fine. I am now looking forward to my next race – a 5km in April. My husband has been helping me to train, running out on the road with me twice a week and I have found that it’s been very easy to stick to the training plan with His support.

Which brings us onto my low for the week. Having lost the last pound required to reach my 1 stone ‘half-way there’ target, I really struggled this week with tiredness, feeling hungry all the time and not being satiated by the food I ate. My motivation to eat healthy foods went to pot and I felt really low. He said that maybe I need a multi-vitamin including B vitamins. I wondered if it was related somewhat to PMT (I was surprised he didn’t try to blame it on that to be honest!). Either way I was feeling pretty bad. I decided to scrap it as a bad week, bought some multi-vitamins and pulled myself together.  This shall be a great week!

I continue to be absolutely astounded by people’s generosity fundraising for Cancer Research UK has almost reached £550 – Thank you for all your continued support.

If you haven’t sponsored yet, you can do so here: https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/30in2015?